I don’t know about you, but staying fit, healthy, and motivated during quarantine has been getting increasingly difficult. But thankfully, I’ve found my top 5 essentials that have been working wonders for me!
1. A Good Cup of Coffee
Getting up from my comfy bed in the morning is always the hardest! But one thing that motivates me to do it is knowing that I’ll soon get to have one of my favorite things… coffee!! On days that I’m feeling a little lazy, I opt to just grab some delicious pre-made coffee I have stored in the fridge. On most days though, I love spending time making my coffee from scratch with local beans harvested from coffee farms in various places around the Philippines. I’m still learning what notes I like in my coffee, but lately, I’ve been really into nutty and sweet flavours. To make my morning coffee extra special, I never forget to put my coffee in a quality sustainable cup to keep my coffee warm throughout the morning.

Shop: Cold Brew Coffee, Foldable Cup, Local Coffee Blends
2. Healthy Snacks
I’ll admit, I’m a snacker. I love munching on little things throughout the day to ensure that I have enough energy to get my work done. To lessen the guilt, I go for more simple snacks like a granola bar or trail mix that I can grab from my local general store. When I need a hearty snack, I enjoy making myself a Greek yogurt bowl topped with dried nuts, fruits, and seeds and drizzled with honey or a peanut butter sandwich; simple and natural – the perfect snack for me!

Shop: All-Natural Granola Bars, Trail Mix, Homemade Greek Yogurt, Dried Nuts, Fruits, and Seeds, Raw Honey, Homemade Peanut Butter
3. A Good Workout and Cute Workout Clothes
Though I am working full time, I do my best to squeeze in a workout; either in the morning before work or late afternoon after work. When I have more time, I enjoy doing an hour long weights training session to really improve my strength. However, on my super busy days when I can only get a quick workout in, I often go for a high intensity interval training. Recently, I’ve been into the jump rope to get my cardio in. Check out The Jumprope Dudes on YouTube; they have some killer workouts that really make you sweat. Also, don’t forget to stay hydrated! I find that keeping my water cold in an insulated container is a great way to motivate me to drink more water throughout the day. Best to invest in a sturdy water bottle so that you can be eco-friendly and say goodbye to plastic bottles!
Here’s a tip: During your WFH days, try to be dressed in your workout attire in the morning (if you can). This way, you won’t have excuses later on to skip your workout since you’re already dressed for it! I find that wearing cute activewear really does the trick in making me go all out during my trainings. Bonus points if they’re from ethical, slow-fashion, local brands!

Shop: Insulated Bottles with Bamboo Lid, Workout Tops, Basic Sports Bra, Workout Leggings, Workout Sets
4. Treat Yourself
Having a strict diet and regimen can be good for some, but for me, I need to treat myself from time to time; especially when we’re dealing with an unpredictable pandemic. Whether that be snacking on some chocolate, sleeping in, or browsing through my favorite online stores to find some meaningful must haves or locally-made sandals, rewarding yourself after a hard day’s work is crucial! For me, it’s usually watching Grey’s Anatomy with my family while snacking on some chips… oops!

Shop: Cocoa Chocolate, Kristina Slides
5. Self Care
Since my days are usually very busy, I always try to relax at the end of the day. For me, that means lighting my favorite scented candle (I loooove candles) and playing one of my Spotify playlists. Some of my all-time favorite scents are lavender, bamboo, green tea, or anything that smells clean and reminds me of the spa (does that make sense?). Another thing I’ve been getting into is skincare! I’ve only recently started learning about this but I already see the value of spending a few minutes of your nighttime routine to pamper yourself! Rather than going for items that have a million and one things listed on the back that I can’t even pronounce, I find that the more natural skincare items are the ones that really make my skin glow. One thing I learned about skincare is that for many people, using items from one ethical brand makes them more effective since they’re designed to work together. This is why I enjoy trying sets from skincare brands that I’m not yet familiar with.

Shop: Glass Scented Candles, Skin Care Starter Set, Clay Mask, Body Scrub
Some of my favorite personal Spotify playlists to listen to in the evening: Studaaayyyyy, Vibes, Chill Evenings
And those are my 5 essential that keep me fit, healthy, and motivated during quarantine! What works for you? Email me at sophia@frankiegeneralstore and let me know!
Talk Soon,